Friday, October 30, 2009

Vocal driving

"The car is are the car..."

There are many places that one can venture to if they really want to see just how stupid the average person is (go to the grocery store). While driving you encounter far too many.
You want to talk on your phone, fine. Play with your radio, fine. Mess with your iPod, fine. Pick your nose, fine. Just keep traffic moving. Don't stop in a place that you shouldn't stop. Like...a passing lane. I followed a forest green Buick. On the road we were travelling on there were a lot of left hand turns, hence a lot of passing lanes. Ahead of us was a truck with a trailer and ahead of that vehicle was a school bus. Both turning left. So, the Buick swings into the passing lane and me and the 20+ other cars behind me start following suit...until the stupid bitch locks up her breaks and stops right in the middle of the passing lane. I could see cars behind me veering onto the shoulder to prevent hitting the car in front of them. All the while I am cussing this idiot out in front of me. She wouldn't pass that school bus until it was turning. It DID NOT have it's stop arm out, it was perfectly legal to pass that school bus, but she wouldn't pass it.
I finally passed and and gave her the New York wave while shouting a few choice words at her. She looked at me like she had no idea what was going on. She was clueless. I wanted to rip her head off. She should have her license pulled, she almost caused a 20+ car pile up in good weather, I am Minnesota, and in a couple months this bitch will cause that 20+ car pile up and kill a bunch of people.

Then have no idea what happened.

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